Line Launcher: A Project by IMechE

IMech Line Launcher Competition (Google)


A line launcher is a device that is used to propel a rope from one point to another with high accuracy and precision. This device, if not in professional environment, then could have been seen in superhero movies where they used it to swing across buildings. The device is commonly used in various fields, such as marine rescue operations, high-rise building maintenance, and recreational activities like zip-lining. The line launcher plays a critical role in ensuring that rescue operations are carried out efficiently and effectively, and it is, therefore, an essential tool for any rescue team. A line launcher or sometimes called as thrower can use various launching methods, including guns, rockets, and pneumatics, to propel the line with high accuracy and precision [1].

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers organizes an annual competition called the Design Challenge for undergraduate engineering students. This year's challenge is to design, build and test a device to simulate a line launcher. The objective is to produce a small-scale indoor device that can fire a squash ball attached to a line at a vertical target from various distances.

This report aims to document our team of undergraduate engineering student’s design, construction, testing, and performance assessment of the line launcher. The report includes information on all areas of the project, such as design concepts, calculations, safety concerns, and project specifications. After thorough study of numerous design choices, the final design was chosen, and the item was tested to ensure it matched the project requirements.

Participation in the Design Challenge allowed us to put the engineering information and skills we learned in class to an actual project. The challenge has allowed us to work as a team, gain insight into one another, and improve our problem-solving abilities.


The goal of this project was to design, build, and test a device able to firing a squash ball from different distances at a vertical target. The device was built using 3D printing, CNC machining, and welding techniques, and it had a solid foundation and a spring system to launch the ball. A risk assessment was carried out throughout the project to identify and mitigate potential hazards such as electric shock, physical injuries, a projectile hazards, chemical dangers, machine hazards, and fire hazards. The launcher was thoroughly tested, and modifications were made to ensure that it hit the target at the specified a height and distances. The project gave the team invaluable expertise in engineering design, building, and testing, in addition to critical risk assessment skills.


Our team has designed a line launcher that uses a servo motor to control the launch angle, which can be adjusted remotely. The launcher's stand measures 40cm x 40cm, and the launcher is designed to launch the squash ball up to a height of 1460cm. The device will be loaded manually and launched using a remote switch, which will trigger the energy storage and release mechanism. We have used a spring mechanism for energy storage, with a release mechanism consisting of a trigger.

Side view of IMech Line Launcher
Fig 1: Side view of IMech Line Launcher

Front View of IMech Line Launcher
Fig 2: Front View of IMech Line Launcher

Explained Design: From Manufacturing to Testing

First, I gathered all the necessary materials and components, including a reload motor, spring, tube for launch, angle dc motor, and a base. I made sure that everything was compatible and would work together to create a functional launcher.

  • made a rough sketch to get an insight of our idea, then I modeled it on SolidWorks with proper dimensions.
  • Next, I assembled the base and mounted the angle dc motor onto it, ensuring that it was securely attached and would not wobble during operation.
  • I mounted my main assembly with proper links and joined it with the secure bolt.
  • Then I attached the reload motor and spring to the tail of tube, making sure that they were aligned properly and could easily reload the launcher.
  • After that, I installed the tube for launch onto the base, connecting it to the angle dc motor so that it could be adjusted to the correct elevation for each shot. I also made sure that the tube was securely fastened and would not come loose during operation.
  • Once everything was assembled, I programmed the launcher to deliver three balls to three targets at different heights. I made sure that the programming was completed before the launch sequence started, and that no further programming would be necessary during the sequence as guided by IMech.
  • During the launch sequence, I made sure to follow the device control requirements. I manually loaded the device before it was automatically energized and the ball launched. I used the remote switch to initiate each ball launch, making sure that all three shots were completed within the time limit.\
  • After each shot, I returned the launcher to a safe 'neutral' position and reloaded it manually before beginning the next shot. Throughout the process, I made sure to follow all safety protocols and to avoid any manual intervention, except for loading and aligning the device horizontally.

Fig 3: Isometric Sketch of Line Launcher

Reasons of choosing this design:

We chose this design because it allows for remote control of the launch angle, making it easy to hit the target accurately. The angle DC motor and spring mechanism is simple to build and reliable, and the release mechanism is safe and easy to use. This design can be adjusted for various angles, and provide a secure and accurate execution.


Target 1:

Distance from launcher to target: 300cm

Height of target above launcher: 240cm

Launch angle (θ) = arctan(height/distance) = arctan(240/300) = 39.81°

Energy required to launch squash ball to target height:

Potential energy (PE) = mass x gravity x height

Assuming mass of squash ball = 23g = 0.023kg

PE = 0.023 x 9.8 x 2.40 = 0.53 Joules

Target 2:

Distance from launcher to target: 300cm

Height of target above launcher: 490cm

Launch angle (θ) = arctan(height/distance) = arctan(490/300) = 59.04°

Energy required to launch squash ball to target height:

PE = 0.023 x 9.8 x 4.90 = 1.08 Joules

Target 3:

Distance from launcher to target: 300cm

Height of target above launcher: 1140cm

Launch angle (θ) = arctan(height/distance) = arctan(1140/300) = 76.45°

Energy required to launch squash ball to target height:

PE = 0.023 x 9.8 x 11.40 = 2.56 Joules

We ensure that our energy storage system can provide enough energy to launch the squash ball to each target height.


As a member of the team, I contributed to the project by working on the project specification and helping to create the poster. I was heavily involved in the planning and design of the line launcher. I worked collaboratively with the team to ensure that all project requirements were met, and I helped to manage the project timeline to ensure that we met our deadlines.

Specifically, I led the effort to research and determine the required specifications for the device, including the launch angle and energy required to hit each target. I also helped to create the project poster, which included detailed information on the design and construction of the device.


Safety was a top priority during the construction of our line launcher project. To ensure that our launcher was safe to use, we followed all safety rules and regulations. While manufacturing the parts, we adhered to all safety precautions. To finish our structure safely, we followed the safety guidelines during the welding process and CNC operations.

We made certain that the device was completely enclosed, with no exposed wiring or cutting edges that could cause injury. We also made certain that this gadget was stable and wouldn't tip over while in use. We also made certain that there weren't were no external controls once the device had been programmed and turned on.

We only allowed the use of a remote switch to initiate each ball launch, and no manual intervention was permitted except for loading and horizontally aligning the device. We also set a time limit for finishing all three shots.


We successfully designed and built a line launcher capable of launching squash balls at three different heights. We calculated the launch angle and energy required to hit each target using basic trigonometry, and we ensured that our energy storage system would hold enough energy for each shot.

Our device met all project requirements, including being completely self-contained and needing only a launch switch to operate. We also made sure that safety was a top priority throughout the process.

Reflective Account:

I have learned a lot during this process and have honed a variety of talents. One of the most significant lessons I took away was the value of collaboration and clear communication. Working with my group mates taught me the value of listening to others, being open to suggestions, and cooperating to accomplish a shared objective. As a result of our debates and brainstorming sessions, I have come to understand how different viewpoints may generate original ideas and solutions.

I also improved my technical abilities by learning how to calculate the launch angle and force necessary to propel a squash ball to a specific height using simple trigonometry. I learned more about the connection between distance, height, and launch angle thanks to this project.

I found the designing to be the most fascinating aspect, to which I made a significant contribution. The core of our engineering expertise and teamwork lies in the designing. Designing gives me the chance to put my mathematical acumen and modelling abilities to the test in order to create a successful design that meets the aims.

I believe I need to improve in one area, which is leadership. Even though I made a variety of contributions to the project, I believe that I might have been more involved in directing certain tasks and assigning duties. I'm aware that I need to work on developing my assertiveness and judgement.

I also gained knowledge about time management. I found it difficult to efficiently manage my time throughout the project, frequently putting off things until the last minute. This led to unneeded stress, but I was able to meet deadlines in order to fix it and lessen its impact on the calibre of my efforts. People depend on you when you work in a team, therefore I had to learn how to step outside of my comfort zone and be a team player.

To sum up, working on this project was a worthwhile learning opportunity that helped me hone a variety of abilities. It aided in my comprehension of the value of cooperation, clear communication, technical know-how, leadership, and time management. I'm looking forward to using these lessons and honing my abilities in next projects.

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