Nationalist Narrative Development Through Poetical Songs; A Critical Study Of ISPR Songs



Importance of study

Identity is of major concern for an individual that is what makes it both strategic and constructed. The identity is created on the basis of building blocks of self-image, our interactions with each other, and the conceptual structure given to us by our society and family. Individual identity is, on the same time, contradictory and multifaceted. Identity is impregnated with potent but subtle power relations that are taken for granted because we think of it as a natural part. We spread these different facets strategically, ideally or sometimes situationally. Similar to personal identity, “Nationalism” is not a national phenomenon either. Just like “Race”, it is construction. It is “Nationalism” that bestow the world with the genera of poetry dipped with the ideals of freedom, brotherhood of man and justice. However, in the meantime, it has also given this world grievances and humiliation, lust of revenge and hatred. It has a great contribution in two world wars and numerous small wars and many holocausts and genocide (DAVID ABERBACH, 2003).  

Pakistan is an amalgam of folklores and cultural practices. Dress, qissas, theatre, architects, festivals and most importantly music and poetry express the specific identities and traditions. These expressions contribute to build cultural, political, social, historical and national narrative. Pakistan emerge as a bilateral state with strong challenge of its creators related to culture and tradition. At that time cinema, theatre, poetry and music played a significant role. Poetry often mix with music, sometimes orally recited, published in magazines made in home and single sheets was a notified feature of processions and rallies against Pakistan (Nazneen Ahmed, 2012).

Visual content blend with enthusiastic poetry impart a strong image on a human mind. Visual contents roam around to picture a finer narrative to build a motivating and encouraging image of something on the brains of audience. It is the thought of an outsider where the identity of country actually lays. There is a vital relationship between poetry, visuals and image building. It is a well-known fact that everything having a visual appearance pose an impact on audience ultimately (Meinhof, 1998). In past, considering French and Scottish revolutions, media was all about poetical songs that travels from village to village to educate people about some news. Now, the things are done differently. The narratives are now visually presented that put an impression and build an image ultimately. The positivity and negativity of an image depends upon the content that is been presented. Nevertheless, the purpose of most of the visual productions is to draw a positive image and reputation of contextualized intention.

Pakistani army, as a conclusive weapon of country, understand its responsibility. Since the time of independence from 1947, its legitimate progress should be seen by nation. The image of Pakistan is still uprising from the hopelessness, darkness, religious extremism. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) is effectively and steadily working in this regard to yank the image of forces and more importantly, Pakistan from this awe-aspiring pit.

It is importance to understand how the positive image is carved through poetical songs and visual expressions.

Objectives of research

Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) is endeavor to boost and build the positive image of Pakistan by the dint of categories; dramas, movies, documentaries and most notably “National songs”. To reengage the audience to their country, the ISPR visual presentation that fall under the titles, “Aik Pal Ki Jannat”, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Faseel-e-Jaan Se Aagay, The Price of Peace, The Glorious Resolve, Sounds of Silence, Ragoon Main Jitna Khoon Hai, Ye Ghazi have successfully put forth their efforts. With the war with terrorism and engagement of country with three wars, the image of country in other people’s mind was a free fall. But, with connoisseurs aspiration, optimism and hard work it’s been expected to yank the country out of this pit by making its image better.

Considering this, the main objectives of this study is to dig about the ISPR role in building nationalist narrative through poetical songs. The more specific objective is to investigate the influence impose by this institute through visual content, on the country’s image building.

Research Questions

The sensible story of episodes and a thought model is called narrative (Bruner, J. (1991).Narratives are guide to our goals, identities and objectives. Pakistan faced and still facing the problems of radicalization, intolerance and extremism, which divides and destabilize society. Such issues grotesque the image of Pakistan internally and externally on international level. The Inter-Services Public relation (ISPR) is working to develop a nationalist narrative that may unify the nation and construct an internal stability. However, the narrative of Pakistan faced drastic changes from military to civil regimes. With the always-altering security and political landscape, an upgrade in narrative of Pakistan is overdue.

This research covers the ideas, themes and values created and induced by the state’s media to develop its long-term goals and narratives. This study concerns about the contribution made by the Inter-Services Public relation (ISPR) through visual channels in building the nationalist narrative of Pakistan. Moreover, do this upgraded narrative by ISPR covers the national interests and long-term policies of providing security and prosperity to the nation. The visual media of ISPR is successful or not in framing a long-term policies decisions related to ideological fissures, identity crises, resources distribution, economic stagnation, civil-military imbalance, political paralysis, governance crisis and poor international vision.

Literature review:

Literature review

Propose of this study is to know about contribution of visual contents of Inter-Services Public Relation (ISPR) to build the image of Pakistan. Author presumed that the national image depend on the internal and external image. The use of visual media tries to combine ideological and cultural gaps between masses and state. The recent study use the assumed questionnaire entitled “Role of Visual Contents of ISPR in Image Building of Pakistan” by implementing the quantitative method to examine the special effects of ISPR's created visual contents on building the image of Pakistan. In the perspective of Pakistan, the study on the national image believes in set of the two basic frames; the first one is presented by ISPR and this is the public frame which chained with coordinated picture of Pakistan the second is private frame and this is cultivated in public minds (concerned with humans' observation). The result of the study is that about 42% respondents consider visual contents of the ISPR more accurately deal with values of our culture and 74% respondents think that the visual contents of the ISPR are more trustworthy than our outdated media. About 59% respondents approved that the visual contents of the ISPR were more firmly building the image of Pakistan than outdated media and round about 54% responded think that Visual contents of the ISPR were concerned with public awareness about Pakistan. According to international Research on the nexus and impressions of those people who have not been visited Pakistan, compared the apparent internal image and external image considered by the current Study (Syed Mazher Hussain, 2019)

The article reports the role of the national images in the international relations to develop an organizational framework for the study. It determines that the study of national image should involve private frames linked with the supposed images of the other nations. The public frames mentioning about the projected media’s image of the other nations with the help of a framing theory. It proposes that detailed interview with the intermediate elites can made an employed to discover the deductive or the inductive approaches to the public frames and the private frames. There is the recognition that conducted within the historical context and in shadow of the dynamic world politics, and the public diplomacy may be used for the building of national reputation. The associations between the private and public frames of the given country is prepare the traditions for identification of the framing devices and alternative frames that may the result in difference in contributing to the building of an image of a nation, under study the public opinion, and encourage the understanding and the relationships between different countries (Xiufang Li (Leah), 2009).

This study discovers about the socio-cognitive methods involved in production of the Pakistani musical videos with the political narratives. This study shows that the music videos are a powerful and newest tool to build political narratives with the help of disintegrative and integrative themes in the Pakistan. With the help of these narratives the audience is stimulate. The study involves the qualitative analysis concluded detailed interviews of producers of the music videos, singers and lyricists. For using the purposive sampling technique, five respondents have been selected for interviews. Then themes are find out from answers of respondents. The theoretical perception integrated to deduce the results, it is the Rick Altman’s approach of film Category (1987). The conclusions suggest that the extension in the Altman’s ideological method. Conclusions also shows the positive theme is mostly represented in Pakistani socio-political musical videos with sponsorship of the state institutions (Rabia Noor, 2018)

Pakistan is facing issues of radicalization, intolerance and extremism in the society since spans, which has commanded to destabilized and to divided society. Youth is deceived by giving them the thought that constitution of the Pakistan is not related to the teachings of the Islam and anti-state features, which mislead them; the democratic system of the country is un-Islamic. In December 2014 APS attack has been turning the point for the civilian government and Pakistan’s military to support its resolution to fight terrorism and extremist views after it. The Solution for these problems is provided by the Paigham- e- Pakistan, an announcement drafted in light of Sunnah & Qur’ān (Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAAW) by the Islamic Research Institute, Islamabad. This declaration supports the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the purposes at eradicating hatred, extremism, terrorism & violence from the Pakistani society and encouraging the peace and enlightenment through the intellectual Jihad. It delivers the counter description for the Pakistani youth observing to radical and violent the Islamic ideologies. This ideology gathers the religious scholars of different vision the, academia, civil society & intellectuals on a combined declaration. This declaration reflects collective thinking of State of the Pakistan. With the help of this declaration, it is targeted to bring stability and peace within country, change an inclusive society, and to plan the Pakistan as a very strong and the stable modern nation in international community (Dr. Aayesha Rafiq, 2012)


Research Methodology

Research approach

The research methodology is the combination of certain techniques and procedures that are utilized to identify, analyze, Process and select information regarding any topic (David Wilkinson, 2000). This research follows some of the very common research methodologies and approaches that are widely used by the researchers. The research methodology and approaches used in this research is discussed.

Research started by giving a very brief and comprehensive introduction. Then the common research methodologies and approaches are applied to evaluate and analyze the data. There are basically two type of approaches i.e. deductive and inductive. Inductive approach is responsible to form theories while deductive approach is responsible to test theories. This report revolves around the inductive approach as it is destined to construct general theory and formulate the hypothesis around the working of organization and the effect of its visual and verbal content on the audience.

There are further two methods for data analyses; one is qualitative while the other is quantitative. Qualitative research approach is something that emphasizes on the words and their meanings rather than indulging in analyzing and collection of the data (Raimo Streefkerk, 2019). Quantitative approach, on the other hand is something that deal with statistics and numbers. The research approach applied in this research is qualitative, that helps the reader in the in dept exploration about the organization’s visual content and lyrics effects on user.

Source of Data

The current research measures the impressions of Pakistan, by way of viewed from classified the country. This study verified how permanent Pakistani citizens view (a) people of their specific nation, and (b) their awareness about the country established by visual content of ISPR.

So as to maintain some mechanism over factors for example age, socio-economic class and education only campus students were experienced. Apparently, university students have at least considerably access to the influences other than the television and movies, and more probably than rest of populations. Because of an equivalent educational level, along with other commonalities of university involvement, one may influence the expected higher cross-cultural similarity than the case with a model from general population.

The mark population was students who contributed for the course credit at four universities. The two universities were public and the two were private from Pakistan, province Punjab. All members lived their lives in country and they were attending a different and comprehensive Universities with the open admissions. Seven hundred feedback form were dispersed by using stratified unplanned probability sampling technique, and results were created on received six hundred and sixty eight responses.

Furthermore, the current study engaged the following facts analysis techniques to attain its objectives. To attain the objective of the study imaginative statistics and the Pearson correlation are chosen statistical approaches to the address research questions almost the relationships between variable.


The public narrative of the country, Pakistan, was built with the Islam as a national identity and a glue to bind all the ethnic groups in the country. The Pakistan was titled with the guardian and savior of Muslims and Islam around the globe. The national narrative of the country; Pakistan, adopted heavy overtones of Islam in 1970’s. This was the time of a great shift in regional and internal politics of country. This was again targeted in initial years of twenty-first century when jihadi rage upon the country. This created a secreterian and pan-Islamic narrative of the country due to which the state suffers a lot in defending its nationalist narrative (Khuram Iqbal, 2019).

In respect to Galanter, Pribram and Miller (1960), evidently in the Image theory, resolution makers utilize three different scientific knowledge conformations to arrange their assessment about the verdicts (Lee Roy Beach, n.d.). Such arrangements are considered as images. First part of composition is value images, to which targets are core beliefs of decision maker. These are the important for any individual to conduct the organization somewhere an individual assists as an uncompromising principle for incorrectness or correctness of some precise assessment on plan. Second component of composition is the path images in which the previously expected goals are selected. This kind of image defines the proposed position and achievements in the upcoming of decision makers, organizations and individuals. Last and third image is the strategic image on which targets are those series of strategies, which are reserved  on to finish the goals of the Each plan is brief order of the possible movements that  separately begin and the end with aim setting to its success. ISPR’s visual matters would be emerging the pro-instigative appearance in minds of viewers. With situation to the beyond-stated theory and with its three simple attributes for example the strategic image, trajectory image, and value image are made in result of powerful demonstration of visual contents. The credibility, hegemony and validity of institution support to create relationship among the audiences and ISPR’s visual productions (Syed MazherHussain, 2019).

Gibson (1972) discussed that the perception is actually a bottom-up procedure, which said that the data collected by senses are analyzed in single direction; from easy analysis of crude sensory data up to the complex data analysis by visual system (Saul McLeod, 2018). In concerns of perception theory, the narrative that is induced as the outcome of ISPR’s productions assists the human brain to categorize, construct, and above all estimate the picture of Pakistan. Integrated and sequenced visuals with the strong lyrics at the backend construct a very strong assumption about the country that is projected (Pakistan).



The main objective behind the ISPR’s visual productions is to persuade and influence the viewers to get and think as per the promoted objectives of ISPR. According to the framing theory, which has two frameworks; social and natural, which assist, people to understand and infer experiences. The content of ISPR contain a very effective language, strong heart penetrating poetry, strong thoughts, anticipative approach and influential language that cajole the audience towards the main object of production and portrayed information and make them to adapt the change which is depicted by ISPR in the visual content (Syed MazherHussain, 2019)


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