What is DeFi?

Defi, Blockchain cryptocurrency
Block Chain Cryptocurrency (Pexel)

Have you heard about blockchain and crypto? It is digital and immutable ledger money that is nearly impossible to crack. It assists in making records of transactions and tracking any tangible assets (car, cash, house, or land). This digital ledger of the transactions you make is spread and duplicated across the series of computer network systems known as the blockchain.

DeFi is the umbrella of digital financial applications such as blockchain or cryptocurrency which will disrupt the financial mediators.


Decentralized Finance or simply the DeFi gets its inspiration from the blockchain, which is the mind behind digital or cryptocurrencies. Previously, the blockchain enables many entities to get a hand on the copy of transaction history, which makes it impossible for a single source to control. This is essential because in such complex systems the human gatekeepers and centralized systems can limit the sophistication and speed of transactions by giving the user less authority over their money.

DeFi revolutionized it by elevating blockchain from easy transfers to complex financial cases. The DeFi infrastructure is based on eliminating the middlemen, like the central bank, government agencies, PayPal, Payoneer, etc to approve the transactions.

Defi allows people to generate “smart contracts” or financial products that are executed automatically on the blockchain without worrying about brokerage, bank, exchange, or any middle corporation. For example, auctioning non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that have the potential of billion dollars.

Difference between centralized banks and DeFI

In centralized payment methods, you have to pay a fee to banks, corporations, and third parties to facilitate the transaction so that the cash flow does not get disturbed. For example, if you buy a gallon of oil by using your visa or credit card, the charges flow from merchant to bank, the bank forwards the details of the card to their network. The network oversees the charges, approves them, and requests the bank to make the payment. Then the bank sends approval to the network. Charges flow from acquiring bank to the merchant. In simple words, a financial institution sits above your transactions that not only record, control them but also take the fee.

Cutting off these middlemen is the primary goal of decentralized finance. That is the idea of DeFi which was known as “Open finance”

Why the hype?

DeFi is offering unmeasurable creativity and freedom. The only limit to this decentralized concept is your imagination and the creativity of people who are interested in product-specific smart contracts.

With DeFi you can create anything you desire by using digital coins and cryptocurrencies to fund your new digital products and assets in which you have a financial interest. You can do all this without seeking permission from any third party or gatekeeper. 

The future of DeFi

People are moving towards metaverse, blockchain, and digital currencies. As DeFi is linked with blockchain directly it provides DeFi a vast potential to make a place in the global financial market by reshaping the whole system. With the ongoing trends and noticeable shift towards a more decentralized system, it is expected that more people will be adopting blockchain for charge flow. The DeFi will allow people to improve their transaction diligence by minimizing the negative business and scams.




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